Ultra-even grill power
Deliciously crispy
Ovládanie: Elektronické
Viacúrovňové varenie
Konštrukčný typ: Voľne stojaci
Šírka produktu: 485 mm
Výška produktu: 293 mm
Deliciously crispy
Ultra-even grill power
Deliciously crispy
Hisense microwave ovens are equipped with grill that is thoroughly designed to make the food evenly and deliciously crispy on outside and juicy inside. Use the direct heat of the grilling element to easily toast, brown and crisp everything from snack to whole roasts, giving a perfect finish to the outside while keeping things succulent on the inside.
Grill Combo
You can choose between three possibilities of cooking with grill. Grill only for preparing golden crust dish or use one of two combinations of grill and microwaves (more microwaves and less grill / less microwaves and more grill), which allow you to roast a smaller chunk of meat, bake a pizza etc. much faster.
Smart Cook
This microwave is here to really save your time. Just press numeric button from 1 to 6. The cooking will immediately start at 100% microwave power. Each number represents cooking time in minutes (1 – 6 minutes).
Funkcia rozmrazovania
Aby boli potraviny po rozmrazení v perfektnom stave, je dôležité ich rozmrazovať rýchlo a efektívne. Vďaka funkcii rozmrazovania sa teplo dostane k potravinám rovnomerne a vy máte potraviny pripravené na konzumáciu alebo prípravu skôr.
Preset Programmes
Automatic presets allow simpler cooking of some types of food. You only have to choose the type of food and enter the weight, and the oven will automatically adjust the cooking power and duration.
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